Ceiling Fan Questions and Answers
A resource for definative answers regarding questions about ceiling fans...

February 2025
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Ceiling Fan Danger
Filed under: General, Ceiling Fan Installation
Posted by: @ 1:58 am

Question: why does my entire ceiling fan spin on the ceiling?

The genius who installed my ceiling fan, with a light fixture, somehow did it so that when then fan is turned on, the light fixture spins with it. Great for a disco club, not so great for my bedroom. Anyone know how to fix it? If it matter it’s a Harbor Breeze Chesire fan:

This answer was posted at Yahoo! Answers:

Answer: OK, there is something truly wrong with this picture. If the entire light fixture spins along with the motor housing of the fan, your fan is definately installed incorrectly and you need to stop using it right away before it falls from the ceiling and seriously enjures someone. I’d be concerned about the wires getting twisted and shorting out as well.

But…before you go taking the fan off the ceiling, grab your cellphone or digi camera and take a video of the thing spinning out of control then email it to me at gregt@hansenwholesale.com so I can do a visual on it and tell you what the problem is.

I look forward to seeing your video…


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How much does it cost to have a ceiling fan wired and installed?
Filed under: General, Ceiling Fan Installation
Posted by: @ 2:27 pm

Question: How much would it cost for electrical wiring for a ceiling fan with light package?

This post was awarded #1 Answer at Yahoo! Answers.

If there is already a junction box with wires in the ceiling, a typical installation is around $65 to $85.

Add an additional $35 if the junction box in the ceiling needs to be reinforced with a 2 x 4 or fan brace.

If there is an an attic and you need wires run and a junction box installed, expect to pay about $150-$200 for the wiring alone, plus the cost of installing the fan (depending on the complexity of running the wires).

If there is no attic and no wires (first floor of 2 story home, or vaulted ceiling), expect to pay as much as $250-$350 for the wiring alone, plus the cost of installing the fan (depending on the complexity of running the wires).

If you want the fan wired to a wall switch as well, you can probably add about $75 more for that service, unless the wiring to the ceiling is being pulled from the switch on the wall.

These figures are simply estimates based on what a company I used to work for charged for these services in Southern California. Labor rates vary dramatically around the country, so I cannot say this would be pertinent to your local.

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