Ceiling Fan Questions and Answers
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February 2025
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Replacement Remote Controls
Filed under: General, Ceiling Fan Controls
Posted by: @ 2:42 am

Question: I lost my remote control. Can I buy a replacement?

This post was awarded #1 Answer at Yahoo! Answers.

Each remote control is proprietary to the fan it came with or the receiver unit that came with the remote if the remote was an add-on feature to the fan. So in order to purchase a replacement transmitter, you will need to determine the make and model of the fan, or the make and model of the add-on remote control.

The make and model of the fan is usually found on a sticker that is on the top of the motor housing. You may be able to read the sticker by standing on a ladder and tilting the fan so you can look at the top of the motor. If you cannot find the lable in this manner, you may need to remove the fan from the ceiling.

If the remote control was an add-on feature, then you will need to remove the fan from the ceiling (or just undo the canopy) and find the receiver that is located in the canopy of the fan. There should be a lable on the receiver that will give you the make and model number.

Armed with this information, contact Hansen Wholesale at: 1-800-201-1193 and they may be able to supply a transmitter for you depending on the brand, or at least point you in the right direction (which will probably be the manufacturer of the fan or control device).

If you cannot come up with any of this information, take a picture of the fan and email it to: info@hansenwholesale.com and ask if they can determine the make and model by looking at your fan and see if they can supply the correct transmitter.

If you do find the correct transmitter, you will need to set the dip switches that control the frequency to match the dip switches located on the receiver. The dip switches for the transmitter are located in the battery compartment. You will need to look closely at the receiver unit to determine where the dip switches are. You may need to remove it from the fan and open a compartment with a screw driver to locate them.

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Universal Remote Controls
Filed under: General, Ceiling Fan Controls
Posted by: @ 10:26 am

There are several universal remote controls on the market today that can be retrofitted to most traditional pull chain fans. The way most of them work is they have a receiver that is designed to (hopefully) fit inside the ceiling fan canopy at the ceiling. The wires from the ceiling get wired into the remote receiver, which in turn gets wired into the fan. So you will need to do a little work to get it installed.

The best universal remote control is model RC220 made by Minka Aire and is available at several reputable dealers online. This control seems to be the most reliable and has a small enough receiver to fit most fans.

Most universal remote controls will give you 3 speeds and a full range light dimmer. There are others with thermostatic functions and such, but they may not be as reliable. However, because your ceiling fan was not designed to use a remote control, none of the universal remotes will be capable of reversing your fan. You will still need to flick the reverse switch manually to perform this operation.

For more information call Hansen Wholeale at: 1-800-201-1193

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Ceiling Fan Wall & Remote controls
Filed under: General, Ceiling Fan Controls
Posted by: @ 1:44 pm

Question: Can I have a wall control and a remote control for my ceiling fan?

Actually, most of the high quality brands on the market that are sold at specialty ceiling fan shops around the country have the option of having both controls. In most cases, a good quality fan will come with either a wall control or a remote control…and you have to buy the other control separately in order to have both.

As a ceiling fan professional for over 20 years, helping someone decide how they are going to control their fan is one of the first things I always do, so if the person who sold you the fan did not discuss these options with you, they did you a disservice.

I might suggest going back to the place where you purchased the fan and asking them if they have a wall control that will work with the fan. If it is one of the home centers, they may need to special order the control (if it is optional). Otherwise, if you truly want the convenience of both controls, see if you can return the fan and shop somewhere else where you might get more help.

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